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First Day stats are in...

Hey Guys...Josh here,

I just thought that I would pop my head in the door and note that on the first day of being up online, we have had about 165 hits to our site...most from here in Sydney, but a couple from in the States. That's pretty damn impressive, and there is no telling what could happen when we get this thing out of the driveway.

As for now, I'm working with Adam on getting some content into this space, setting up seperate sections for all kinds of things that we plan on bringing you. There will be Events, News, Photoblogs, Adam's weekly teachings, and various downloadable audio stuff that we will be squeezing into a Podcast. When that hits, all kinds of cool is going to be unleashed.

The call is still out there for the comments. I want as much feedback from you guys as possible, bring us ideas...The previous statement still stands...if you want more, I WANT you to tell us. WE WANT you to tell us.

And if you haven't yet subscribed to our email feed, make sure you get into it. We're not selling the list for Russian Mail Order spam yet...but then again, that all really depends on the offerings on Friday.

In Summary: Stay tuned, there are HUGE changes coming, much more content, and much more interactivity. It's all for you guys...so ENJOY!

p.s. I was kidding about the Russian Mail Order spam bit...

p.p.s. Well....yeah, yeah, I was kidding.

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